What is a "strong" coffee?
"strong" is a term commonly used in the coffee world to describe the intensity and concentration of flavor in a cup of coffee. When our coffee table family refers to "strong coffee," they are typically describing a brew that has a robust, bold, and full-bodied flavor profile. The strength of coffee can be influenced by various factors, including the type of beans used, the roast level, the grind size, and the brewing method.
For instance, a dark roast coffee or an espresso is often associated with a strong flavor due to the longer roasting process, which imparts a more intense taste. Additionally, brewing methods that involve a higher coffee-to-water ratio, such as using a French press, mocha pot, or an espresso machine, can result in a stronger cup.
In coffee terminology, strength is subjective and can vary based on individual preferences. Some people may prefer a milder, lighter brew, while others seek out the boldness and richness associated with a strong cup of coffee.