The Curious Case of Civet Coffee: Why It's Literally "Crap" and Why We're Not Selling It

The Curious Case of Civet Coffee: Why It's Literally "Crap" and Why We're Not Selling It

In the world of coffee, there are rare blends, exotic brews, and then there's civet coffee—arguably the most bizarre of them all. Also known as Kopi Luwak, this coffee has a production process that's not just unusual but literally crap.

Yes, you read that right. Civet coffee comes from coffee beans that have been eaten, digested, and then excreted by the Asian palm civet. In simpler terms, it's made from beans picked out of civet poop.

Now, why on earth would anyone drink coffee made from beans that have traveled through the digestive tract of a civet? Proponents of Kopi Luwak claim that the digestion process imparts a unique flavor to the coffee, making it smoother and less acidic.

However, as a gourmet coffee roaster committed to the artistry and ethics of coffee making, we have a few reasons why we're not jumping on the civet coffee bandwagon.

Firstly, let's talk about the flavor. It's been said that the civet's digestive enzymes break down the protein in coffee beans, which supposedly enhances the flavor profile. While that sounds scientifically plausible, the question remains: Does it make the coffee taste remarkably better? Blind taste tests and expert opinions suggest that while the difference is noticeable, it might not be as groundbreaking as the hype would suggest. And when you factor in the, um, "origin" of the beans, the exotic allure quickly loses its sheen.

Secondly, there's the price tag. Civet coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Given its unique processing method and the labor-intensive process of collecting the beans, it's no surprise that it fetches a high price. But here's the rub: as coffee aficionados, we believe in paying for top-notch flavor and ethical sourcing, not novelty and novelty alone. Our focus is on quality and craftsmanship, qualities that are not guaranteed simply by a bean's journey through a civet.

And finally, the ethics. This is perhaps the biggest reason we steer clear of civet coffee. The surge in demand for this exotic brew has led to questionable practices in the industry. Civets are often caged and force-fed coffee cherries to produce Kopi Luwak. This cruel treatment of animals is a far cry from the ethical sourcing standards we uphold, which prioritize humane practices and sustainable agriculture.

So, there you have it. While civet coffee might be a conversation starter and a bucket-list item for some daring coffee enthusiasts, we believe our customers deserve better. We're committed to providing exceptional, ethically sourced coffee without the crap—literally and figuratively. Here at our roastery, we stick to beans that have been treated with care, not just beans that have been through a civet. After all, when it comes to good coffee, we believe the only crap you should be dealing with is the nonsense some people spew before they've had their morning cup.