Grind size matters
French Press: "Coarse grind – think sea salt, but don't get salty if your coffee is a bit muddy."
Pour-Over: "Medium-coarse grind – like beach sand, but without the sunburn or the need to shake it out of your shoes."
Drip Coffee Maker: "Medium grind – the Goldilocks of grinds, not too fine, not too coarse, just right for that morning pick-me-up."
AeroPress: "Medium-fine grind – like table salt, but don't sprinkle it on your fries unless you're into that sort of thing."
Espresso: "Fine grind – like powdered sugar, but it'll give you a buzz instead of a sugar rush."
Turkish Coffee: "Extra-fine grind – like flour, but please don't try baking with it unless you're making a coffee cake!"
Remember, the perfect grind size is key to a great cup of coffee, so don't be afraid to experiment and find what brews best for you!